Thursday, June 20, 2013

5. Why Pricebenders?

Another really important topic. Why Pricebenders?

I'm not going to lie to you. Yes, there are other penny auctions out there. Hundreds, maybe even thousands. You can find all of them online. So, why Pricebenders?

I have several reasons for choosing TripleClicks Pricebenders   and you are invited to do some web research with me and check all my reasons (well, not with me; I've done my research, but you should do yours before joining any site).

  • First reason: Pricebenders has the cheapest bid. Bid price is usually $0.60, but with Pricebenders you can pay your bids (TCredits) $0.29 or $0.32;
  • Also, in order to bid, many other websites require you to buy set of bids for $160 or more every month. Pricebenders doesn't obligate you to purchase anything, ever;
  • Third reason for Pricebenders is: other penny auctions don't offer so many free bids through so many different games. And none of them offer free monthly bids (Pricebenders offers it through Wave3 program). You literally can bid without purchasing TCredits, ever!
  • Reason #4: other auction websites don't allow you to sell your own products and they usually don't have a normal store: Pricebenders offers it, and their store counts over 84,000 products and services at the moment;
  • Fifth reason is: Pricebenders offers more than 40 payment options. No matter where do you live, do you have credit/debit card or not you can bid and pay your winning prices. Many of them, I hope!
  • On some penny auction websites auctions last not longer than few minutes. On some other - even few days. Pricebenders lasts few minutes if winning price is lower than $0.50, up to few hours if winning price is $20. I like Pricebenders' tempo; not too short and fast, not too long and slow;
  • And, the last reason is: some of the penny auction websites are actually scams. TripleClicks and Pricebenders are legit, trusted and part of 15 years old company. You can find physical address, phone number, owner's name, testimonials, GeoTrust Certification.
As you see, for people who love to have fun while shopping and enjoy getting really good deals, penny auctions are perfect. But, on the Internet, one can't be too vigilant; before you register on any penny auction website read their terms of service, faq, check their links, did they publish physical address and phone number, never forget to check their BBB or any other certification (some scam websites use other company's certifications) and always force Google to work for you (you can google something like "<website> scam or legit?"), read some forums, blogs and comments - they are really helpful in avoiding scams. And if you can't figure out how some company earns (because everything is free, actually, they will probably give money to you), the answer usually is: they are trying to scam you. In the GUIDE, I explained how TripleClicks earns and I even gave an example.

Stay safe!

Best regards,

P.S. Don't forget about T-Time!

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